Contact Us

Contact us

Telephone number: +44 (0)20 7629 3030
Opening Times: 9:00am - 6:00pm UK local time Monday - Friday
Days closed: National UK holidays

Policy on Email Inquiries

Incoming emails will be directed to the relevant internal business unit and carefully reviewed. Our policy is to provide a personal response to all emails wherever possible. However, we decline responding to unsolicited marketing emails.

Please indicate the nature of your inquiry in the email subject heading as one of the following: “M&A,” “CAPITAL RAISING,” “JOBS,” “INTERNSHIPS,” and “OTHER.”

Speculative Job Applications

The firm has established recruitment processes which are strictly followed. However, if you wish to submit your CV with a covering letter on a speculative basis, such information will be held on file. Once a position opens, suitable candidates will be contacted.

Job and internship details can be found on the Experienced Hires or Internship Program page.

Contact Our Team