Unique Lending
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is a unique lender, as it is both an investment bank and a global development bank, active both inside and outside of the EU. Approximately 10% of its capital is allocated to financing transactions outside of the EU.
We advise project sponsors on:
- The application process
- Assessing the viability of the project for funding from EIB
- Preparing the necessary supporting documentation
- Managing and negotiating the lending terms secured in the best interests of its clients
Investing with the EIB
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was launched in 2015 as a joint initiative between the European Commission and the EIB. With the objective of driving investment within the EU, EFSI funds bankable projects that will bring about a positive impact on the European Economy.
For a greater understanding of the fund and the services we provide, please feel free to read our report on the European Investment Bank.