Our core business is advising listed companies, asset managers, and project sponsors on capital-raising and M&A services for the following energy sectors in both developed and emerging markets:
Battery Storage and Smart Grids
Distributed power generation, integrated networks, demand response technologies, diversified supply sources, alternative storage options and electric vehicle battery cell manufacturing plants (gigafactories).
We are a trusted high-volume purchaser in long-term LNG offtakes on behalf of international utilities companies and we trade in LNG. We also provide M&A services for natural resources and assets, as well as arrange finance and raise capital for greenfield and operational development of upstream, midstream and downstream energy infrastructure. For more information, please see our LNG page.
Natural Gas
Natural gas pipelines, gas interconnectors, CCGT and OCGT plants, biogas, synthetic methane and infrastructure, storage, and distribution.
Power Networks
Generation plants, electrical grids, substations, electrical interconnectors and local distribution. Embedded and transmission-connected systems and system operators, balancing service providers.
Renewable Energy
Any naturally occurring inexhaustible source of energy, such as wind (offshore and onshore), hydroelectric power, solar PV, concentrated solar, the hydrogen value chain, tidal, and biomass. For more information, please see our Renewables page.